People love to eat chicken. There are many ways to prepare chicken wings, and appetizers are fabulous and party food. One of the questions I'm often asked is: "How long to cook chicken wings."
Chicken wings can be cooked by different methods. I prefer fried wings, but you can also fry, bake or pan your wings. Let's look at each method, and you can decide which method is best for you.
Before cooking the chickenAli is necessary to make sure they are completely thawed. This can, putting them in the fridge to sit a day or two before cooking can be achieved. If you're ready to cook your wings, rinse in cold water and dry with a paper towel.
If you are frying chicken wings will make sure they are dry before using them in hot oil to avoid splashing painful. Heat your oil to 375 degrees. Once the oil is hot, you can start cooking your wings. Fill the fryerBasket with a single layer of wings. You want the oil to cover only the wings, when they lowered the oil. Turn down the wing with the oil and cook slowly for 12 to 15 minutes. At the end of the wing of a chicken is well browned, crisp on the outside and inside of that juicy and tender.
You can also pan for frying the wings, if you do not have a fryer. This would be my second choice. Use a large frying pan for this method. Pour enough oil to cover the pan to the ground. Heat the oil inmedium-high heat. When the oil is hot place your wings in a single layer into the hot oil. Cook the wings for 6 to 7 minutes and then turn them over to cook for another 6 to 7 minutes. You could also use a wok to fry your wings. This will also make a nice crispy outside and tender inside.
My least favorite method of cooking chicken wings is to bake them. Baking them is a much healthier alternative to all of the frying but the wings will not be nearly as crispy. However if you need to bake your wings heat the oven to 400 degrees. Place the wings in a glass baking dish that has been coated with a little non-stick cooking spray. Bake the wings for about 30 to 40 minutes. You want to be sure the juices run clear from the wings.
Well there you go three methods to cook chicken wings. Always remember to wash your hands and all utensils when working with raw chicken. Enjoy those tasty little treats.
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